
From Alena


Watch this video if you want to laugh.


Goals for the next two weeks:

Finish all my projects for Teaching Music in the Senior Years (4 pages of papers, 10 minutes of teaching, and preparation of a resource binder)
Finish all my projects for Aboriginal Ed (45-minute group presentation, site visit, and two 6-7 page papers on the previous two tasks)

Goals for the next month:

FOUR HOURS OF PRACTICE A DAY.  Can I do it?  I think so.  Keep me accountable, please!

Also, I have a recital on April 15th at 7:30 PM in Eva Clare Hall (Faculty of Music Building, University of Manitoba).  Please mark this on your calendars!


Hockey, the Swiss, and Steinbach

From Ace Burpee's blog (re: the Canadian almost-loss to the Swiss two nights ago):

"Never underestimate anyone from Steinbach".



This just in:  Canada's newest Gold medalist:  Jon Montgomery, of Russell, Manitoba, in the Men's Skeleton.  How great is it that the winner of a sport where you throw yourself headfirst down a hill is from the Prairies?


Blog updated!

Nothing fancy here, just a new template.  The old one made older posts disappear, and it was time for a change anyways.  What do you think?