

I have been writing music for around 5 years now. Looking back on the stuff I've written, it's easy to see where I've improved, and especially what my influences have been. Aaron and I used to joke about how all my music sounded like video game music for a while, and it was sad but true! However, as I got more into jazz, I started writing more jazz. The first time my jazz pieces were performed was with the World Music Group in spring 2005. That summer, I wrote a piece for Amber as a going-away present (she was leaving for Germany for a year). The piece was called "Amber's Bounce", and it was my first somewhat well-written piece (OK, so jazz is easy to write if you know what you're doing because the form is so static). I also posted this piece on Sibeliusmusic.com for people to download and listen to.
So a few months ago, I got an email from someone I didn't know asking for permission to use this piece in a recital. I said yes, and today I got an email from the same person with a link to the YouTube video. So, I present to you, "Amber's Bounce", played by Gabriela Santander from Venezuela!

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