
New stuff, back at school

Hey everybody,
Well, I've been back at school for a week already, and things have already changed. Here's the first major thing:

School is pretty good - I'm in a lot of theology classes, so I'm doing papers already! I also was accepted into the Instrumental Ensemble for french horn playing, and into College Singers as first tenor (probably section lead, but I'm not sure). Dyed my hair today on a whim.
Nothing else is really new - I'm living in dorm, but I checked out Prov House for the first time last week, and I'm really wanting to live in there...or anywhere where I can have a place to myself.
Other big news - I got asked to teach at the '06 Prov Arts Camp doing the vocal ensemble. Cool, eh? I'm not totally sure what that would entail, but I'm very excited.
More news to come as it arrives!

1 comment:

N.D.Fast said...

Matt....its so....white....can barely....type....eyes not...functioning...put top back on....dosjf83

K I put sunglasses on, the dosjf83 part was when I passed out and my head hit the keyboard. But seriously, that pic is going to come back to haunt you one day. Not that Ill see to it, heavens no...he. hehe. hehehe HAAHAHAAAHAAAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! (backs away into the shadows)