
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Enjoy your day off!


Bender Should Not Be Allowed On TV

Quote of the Day:
Calculon: That was so terrible I think you gave me cancer!
From Futurama Season 4: Bender Should Not Be Allowed On TV!
Also from that episode:
Cubert: Relax, Dad, we just invited a few friends over.
Farnsworth: Hmm. There's something wrong with your story but I can't put my finger on it. [He gasps.] Of course! You don't have friends!


Straight Ahead '05

Wow, I've been posting a lot. Anyways, I give you Straight Ahead, 05-06 edition!



As of this last Friday, I have in my possession something that I have not had since I was little:
Ice skates!
I can't remember how to stop, but there's a rink a 1 minute walk from my house, so I'm going to try to skate every day (if at all possible). Hooray for skating!


Sojourn. A brief stay. This is the name of my new blog - something a lot different from this one. Go here.


Back in the Peg.

All right everybody (all 15 of you who read this blog). I'm officially done school for the semester, and as of last night, I moved back into my house in Winnipeg.
Let's party.


Sound Advice

From The Book of Useful Verse:
Sound Advice
When in danger or in doubt,
Run in circles, scream, and shout!


I'm done again!

Well everyone...at 2:15 this afternoon, I officially finished my last Prov exam of the semester! I'm sticking around here for a few days to hang out, but I'll be home for Christmas fairly soon. Looking forward to seeing all of you again!


At last!

Some good news for y'all,
I just finished my last paper of the semester! I have a few little things to do yet (1-page assignments and a journal), but that's it, folks!
For all of you in Winnipeg, I'm really looking forward to being home for a while. Everyone - we need to get together over Christmas.
In other news, the government randomly decided to tack on an extra $1000 to my student loan this last week. I was really happy (mostly because everything was taken care of before), so I can maybe buy some Christmas presents...
Anyways, today Straight Ahead (the school jazz band) is playing at Southland Community Church in Steinbach. Tomorrow and Saturday is the Festival of Christmas Praise here at Prov, so I'll be busy. More good news, though DHS (my and Jer Wat's funk band) got asked to play at Youth Encounter! I'm very excited.
Anyways, off to class!